APTA joins forces with Ditri Associates, Inc., the owners of the manufacturer of the Vittert ball, to form the Lineal Group Grand Prix Series

Platform Tennis News announces the Lineal Group Grand Prix Series
Platform Tennis News announces the Lineal Group Grand Prix Series

APTA joined with the owners of Hedstrom Corp., the makers of the Vittert balls, and Lineal Group, Inc. to form the Lineal Group Grand Prix Series.

Platform Tennis News had the details:

“Combined with sponsors like Romana Sambuca and Prince, and guided by a professional sports marketing organization, the goal is to expand the horizons and fuel the growth of the game of platform. That’s quite a mouthful. And it’s quite an undertaking. It will require quite a lot of support from platform players across the country. But the potential payback will be well worth it. The goal: more enthusiasm, more excitement, more crowds, more players enjoying a great sport.

The vehicle: a series of three qualifying tournaments and a grand finale, all spiced by prize money awarded to the top teams. The money lends an air of excitement and competition, and will hopefully bring out the best players. (And the APTA and its tournament committees and referees are determined to administer it in such a way that it does not bring out the worst in players, as some people experienced in the 1970s when a pro tour was in effect.) And everyone is invited to ‘play’ at the tournaments, whether it’s on the court or off.”

Source: Platform Tennis News, Fall 1992