Hall of Fame Inductees: G. Estabrook Kindred, Sue Aery, Gerri Viant, and Howard Sipe
Brook Kindred was inducted posthumously at his home club, Fox Meadow Tennis Club, by Bob Brown in a heartwarming, well-attended ceremony on March 18,2006.
Sue Aery and Gerri Viant were inducted into the Hall of Fame ceremony in Summit, N.J., where Patty Hogan, a 2005 Hall of Fame recipient, stressed the significance of their talent and the disciplined approach to the game that they both possess.
Howard Sipe was inducted into the Hall of Fame at a ceremony at the National Championships on March 4, 2006 at the Glen View Club.
Prior to presenting the award, 2004 Hall of Fame recipient Walt Peckinpaugh expressed that “Chicago is the ‘hub’ of the sport right now, in part because of his pioneering efforts.”
Source: Platform Tennis Magazine, Vol. 8 Issue 2, November, 2006