The Villages takes on Platform Tennis
Orlando Retirement Community to Build Six Platform Tennis Courts
The inaugural meeting for a Paddle Instructor Committee, or PIC, was held at the Villages in Orlando on Friday, Jan. 15, 2010. Anderson DaSilva, Manager of the Truman Recreation Center, hosted the meeting.
Village of Bonita resident, Joe Russo, Sr., volunteered to be the instructor. At the meeting, he discussed the following:
A. The new ground-level paddle court design used here
B. Demo of current play equipment
C. Sources of equipment
D. Membership in the APTA
E. Update of APTA Rules
F. A flyer on paddle in The Villages to be given to newcomers
Other discussions and activities included:
1. Outline of free teaching clinics, court play regulations and court times by Anderson
2. A 33 minute DVD on paddle (and ask for comments)
3. Question and answer period
4. Discuss next PIC meeting time and date
5. Enjoy picnic style lunch
The kickoff date for the new facility is currently being planned for early March. Platform Tennis Magazine will cover the festivies and report back in a future issue.