FMTC opens new wing
It had been a controversial journey but the new wing was now a reality thanks to the efforts of Kingsbury and Close.
Ollie Kingsbury weilds the scissors as the new wing of the clubhouse is formally opened. Watching are Governors Wilson, Sullivan, Ware, Nagle, H Hammer, Tredwell, and Close.
Fox Meadow members have enjoyed singing together and, on especially happy occasions, can be counted on to have their own lyrics ready. The opening of the much-disputed new wing at the Governors’ Tea in 1967 was such an event.
“Maybe the spirit unique in Fox Meadow can’t be entirely captured in cold type,” muses Ollie Kingsbury, “but a seven verse song and chorus composed for the occasion comes rewardingly close.”
The credits read “Lyrics by John and Ellie Lou Kirk and Bob Kingsbury (with constructive editing by numerous members). Performed to the music of ‘The MTA,’ strummed by Julie Westland and Dotsie Erskine. Directed by Delsa Wilson.” The “Pudge” in the song was Pudge Neidlinger, house and grounds chairman and an architect by training, who gave form and function to the wing. Here is the chorus and first verse:
Under Close control the machine began to roll
As Walter paved the way
Then to Oliver K the reins were passed one day
And the Wing was on its way.
Pudge gave it style—it was lawyered by Carlisle.
Pushed through the neighbors by the Board.
It’s a monument; it’s a testament
And it’s all we members could afford.
Source: Adapted from Diana Reische, Fox Meadow Tennis Club – The First Hundred Years, 1983