APTA President Rob Coster steps down. Bill O’Brien become interim President

Interim President Bill O’Bien explains the rational for the decision.

“Rob is stepping down from the Presidency for all the right reasons. He has been working to start up a company in the court building business and his efforts are starting to take shape. He saw that being in the court building business while also being President of the APTA could later be perceived as a conflict of interest and so he asked to step down to avoid any potential shadow being cast onto the APTA. One of the really wonderful aspects of this game is the classy way in which most everyone associated with the sport conducts themselves and this is just one more example of that behavior.”

O’Brien went on to thank Rob for his service to the APTA and the game.

“First of all, I want to thank Rob Coster for his service to our game. The energy he brought to Eastern Connecticut, as a player and a force for growth, and then to Region II, as Region II President, and then to the whole game, as President of the APTA, has been just incredible. This sport we love is growing rapidly and Rob’s contributions have impacted it greatly. We will miss his leadership.

The APTA Nominating Committee talked to several possible successors and have placed Scott Bondurant’s name in nomination to be our next President. I fully expect Scott to be confirmed as President on May 1st at the APTA Annual Meeting. For the period from Feb 1st to May 1st, I have agreed to step in as the interim President and my goal is to help us make as smooth a transition as possible from Rob’s leadership to Scott’s.”

Source: Platform Tennis Magazine, Vol. 16 Issue 4 March/April 2015