APTA Honor Award Reinstated: Chuck Baird, Nancy Mangan and Lucie Bel McAvoy

Chuck Baird (1922-2009)
Chuck Baird (1922-2009)
Lucy Bel McAvoy
Lucy Bel McAvoy

Chuck Vasoll, APTA President, who had pushed to re-establish the award had this comment: “I believe the Committee, which was established last year, has done an excellent job in the selection process. I wish to extend my sincere thanks to former APTA president Bob Brown, who served as chairman, and Roger Cole, also a former APTA president, and Brook Kindred, chairman of the original Honor Awards Committee, who served with me on this year’s Committee. I hope that now that this tradition has been rekindled, it will not be allowed to burn out.”

Source: Platform Tennis News, Winter & Spring 1992

Charles F. Baird: Chuck Baird was introduced to the game when he was in his mid thirties, but only started playing seriouslyin his mid-forties when overseas job postings stopped and he could participate more frequently. He then proceeded to amass an enviable record. In the late 1960 through early 1970s he and his partner Roger Lankenau were ranked in the top eight teams and became a formidable force upon entering the senior events. In 1982 Baird won titles in three age groups, the 50+, 55+ and 60+, possibly a record that will never be broken. He also won the 65+ and 70+.

Nancy Mangan: Nancy Mangan’s service to the game was legendary and spanned decades of teaching, promoting junior play, serving as president of the New Jersey Women’s league, and assisting the APTA Women’s Tour director. She won a number of New Jersey State mixed tournaments and the Women’s 50+ in 1981. (Short Hills Club).

Lucie Bel McAvoy: Lucie Bel McAvoy, or “Mother Paddle” as she was affectionately known by her Region III friends, was a major factor in the growth of the game in Region III, starting in the late 1960s as a teacher, and introducing paddle to many clubs and organizations in the area. When she started the Eastern Pennsylvania region had just two platform tennis courts, but twenty-five years later Region III could host the Nationals using 31 courts at 13 locations. Lucie won many regional women’s and mixed tournaments, including four with her son, Tim, and won the Women’s 50+ four years in a row (1982-1985).