Foot-Fault alert

The APTA gets serious about foot-faults The APTA gets serious about foot-faults, redux, redux

Why doesn’t the APTA do something about “foot-faulting?”

The APTA had heard it expressed verbally and in writing many, many, many times. Some complaints were quite loud, and some were very strong. They responded to this criticism in two ways. First, by taking up a suggestion that came from Mike Dougherty of Garden City, Long Island (NY), they attacked the problem from a light side. A series of three posters, illustrated below, had been sent to every member Club to display in their warm-up huts, bulletin boards, or locker rooms, to remind players of this violation of the rules.


The second step was a directive given to the APTA Rules Committee, led by former President Bob Brown, to look into the problem and make some recommendations.

Source: Platform Tennis News, Fall 1991