APTA President, Tim McAvoy fights cancer; Fritz Odenback becomes interim APTA President
It is with mixed emotions that I am writing this letter to the APTA membership. I am, on one hand, honored to have been named interim President of the APTA, but also very sad that our current president and good friend, Tim McAvoy, is fighting another battle with cancer.
Tim is a great leader, a great competitor, a great family man, and, above all, the most positive and upbeat person I have ever met. We have spent a lot of time together over the last twenty-five years of playing paddle, and I have never left him without a smile on my face.
The current APTA Board is an amazing group of dedicated men and women who are focused on making this game better than ever, and keeping the growth of the game moving forward. We will all work diligently in Tim’s absence to promote the initiatives set for this year: “To govern the sport, grow participation and improve all aspects of the game”. [enlarge image to read full letter the membership]