Golden anniversary of founding of platform tennis celebrated at Fox Meadow

Golden anniversary of platform tennis celebration at Fox Meadow
Golden anniversary of platform tennis celebration at Fox Meadow

The event was chaired by Joan and and Paul Doyle, with assistance from Roxanne and Rodman Zilenziger and twenty-two other members.

Charlie O’Hearn—who with his wife, Ginnie, won four national Mixed Doubles championships— recalled the game’s origins:

“No paddle tennis player in the early thirties could have dreamed how far the game would develop over the ensuing fifty years. And yet it was such a great, fun game that perhaps we should have known. With one court in Scarsdale, at Jim Cogswell’s, only a handful of players were available and many a weekend I can recall Fess Blanchard phoning to say, ‘It’s stopped snowing. Come on over and help shovel, and we can be playing by two o’clock’—and we were. I haven’t played for years, but I still owe the game a lot. I’ll always be in its debt for the pleasure it gave to Ginnie and me.”

Source: Diana Reische Fox Meadow – The First Hundred Years, 1983