Hedstrom works on problems with ball quality

1992 Hedstrom letter regarding improvements in ball manufacture
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Hedstrom, the maker of the Vittert ball, stepped up communication to the paddle community about their program to address issues with ball quality and durability.
James Braeuing, VP Operations reported on progress:

A. Wobble/out of round – We have isolated the cause of this problem and currently have a program to update our press temperature and cooling water controls to increase the consistency. We feel these changes will eliminate the problem.

B. Bounce consistency - As you are aware, we recognized that our bounce adjustment at the beginning of last season was too severe and led to a squishy feeling as well. We adjusted the firmness and bounce in early September. Since that time, we feel we have isolated what we consider to be the most appropriate firmness and bounce. We are revising our producing equipment to target this specification and are also engineering and fabricating special equipment to insure a narrow band of compliance, eliminating the wider variations you may have encountered.

C. Flock adhesion – We have sent the samples many of you have returned which exhibited poor flock adhesion to our glue supplier. We also recognized that the flock adhesion problems were accelerated in a wet environment. Our glue supplier feels that it has identified the problem and has given us a solution to try.

D. Flock coverage consistency – We are evaluating a new flocking chamber, which we are told will allow a more consistent deposit of flock on all areas of the ball. Hopefully, that will solve the thick and thin condition.”

Source: Platform Tennis News, Spring 1992