Junior Nationals – Patty Hogan reported on a new milestone

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The 2005 Junior Nationals hit a new milestone with over 200 players participating in seven divisions. The event was a huge success thanks to the cooperation of over 20 volunteers, which included a combination of caring parents and PPTA pros. Special thanks goes to Marjorie Hodson for her help in setting the schedules for each of the nine different tournament sites!The event was a huge success thanks to the cooperation of over 20 volunteers, which included a combination of caring parents and PPTA pros.

[enlarge image to seethe 2005 National Champions and Finalists for each age group and division]. Congratulations to all the juniors for a great day of paddle and amazing sportsmanship!The 2005 Junior Nationals hit a new milestone with over 200 players participating in seven ditnsions.

Source: Platform Tennis Magazine, Vol. 6, Issue 5, April, 2005