Kaufman and Staniar cop Lineal Group Tour finale

Platform Tennis News, Spring 1994
Platform Tennis News, Spring 1994

The big winners at the season-ending Lineal Group Grand Prix tournament at the Brookside Racquet & Swim Club in Allendale, NJ, turned out to be men’s champs Scott Staniar and Jim Kaufman, women’s titleists Robin Fulton and Diane Tucker, and most of all, the Special Olympics of North Bergen County, NJ.

In a departure from previous practices at the grand finale, where 32 of the country’s top platform tennis teams battled for a piece of the $10,000 in prize money, a raffle was conducted that featured almost $4,000 in furniture and athletic equipment donated by Lineal and Hedstrom Corp. All proceeds went to the Special Olympics.

Source: Platform Tennis News, Spring 1994