National Championships

Men's Nationals, 1966: Richard Squires and Edward l. Winpenny, Jr
Men's Nationals, 1966: Richard Squires and Edward l. Winpenny, Jr
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1966 - Rev 1

The previous year’s finalists, Dick Squires and Ted Winnpenny, Jr., prevailed over the new and rising team of Gordon Gray and Jesse Sammis.

Charlotte Lee won her fourth Women’s title with yet another partner, Carolyn Nelson, and Gordon Gray and Anne Symmers won the first of their three straight Mixed titles.

The dominance by Fox Meadow teams had begun to wane.

Cogswell’s grandson, Rawle Deland, Jr., was a finalist in the Junior Boy’s for the second year in a row.

Source: Oliver H. Durrell The Official Guide to Platform Tennis, 1967; and APTA Platform Paddle Tennis 1963-1973: Rules and Records, 1973