National Championships and coverage of Men’s and Women’s Nationals

Platform Tennis News captures the action at the Nationals for the last time Platform Tennis News captures the action at the Nationals for the last time Screen Shot 2013-11-30 at 7.49.53 AM Screen Shot 2013-11-30 at 7.50.10 AM


PTN Winter 1999 covered the Men’s and Women’s Nationals:

“It was all we expected and more,” admitted a weary Bill Taubner after chairing the 1999 Nationals at the New York Athletic Club on Travers Island in Westchester, NY. “But I wouldn’t trade all the experiences for anything in the world.”

While the headaches were many and the rewards relatively few, Taubner and his crack committee came through like true champions for the platform tennis world.

The inimitable duo of Flip Goodspeed/Scott Mansager once again proved themselves kings of the hill , thwarting all efforts to seize their crown, without losing a set in the entire tourney. Steve Baird and Rich Maier proved there is life over 45 as they reached the round of 16 before losing to the eventual champs. The darkhorses of the tournament turned out to be Fritz Odenbach and Mike Stulac, as they fought their way all the way to the semis before losing to the eventual champs.

New champs Cindy Prendergast/Patti Hogan proved the queens of the three-setters as their mental toughness helped them prevail in three “overtimes,” including the final over defending champs Sue Aery/Geri Viant, who also went three sets, three times. Robin Fulton/Sarah Kreiger crashed their way to the semis without the loss of a set; Bobo Delaney/Tonia Mangan were one set away from the final slot; Kerri Delmonico/Shelley Morse proved they are a team to be reckoned with by reaching the quarters.

And Sally Cottingham/Wendy Robbins not only just missed the semis by a tie-breaker third set, but garnered accolades from spectators and compatriots alike for their exceptional play and more exceptional easy-going manners and sportsmanship.

Source: Platform Tennis News, Spring 1999