Non-slip court surface developed

The members of the Tremont Place Paddle Tennis Club of Orange, NJ, developed the textured court. Sprinkling beach sand into the freshly painted deck before the paint dried produced the non-skid surface. When properly applied, the sand prevented both players and balls from skidding in wet conditions. The surface also eliminated glare from the reflection of a bright sun.

Source: Adapted from Fessenden S. Blanchard, Paddle Tennis, 1944

The APTA gave the following information to its members in its 1936 report:

“An improved court surface has been developed at the Tremont Place court in Orange, thanks to the research of Richard Grant, Herbert Pease and others.

This is accomplished by sprinkling about 40 pounds* of fine beach sand on the platform as it is painted and while the paint is wet.

This gives a less slippery surface, enabling the court to be played upon even when slightly damp or soon after a rain.

It also eliminates glare on a bright day. In view of the enthusiastic reports of our Orange members on this type of surface it is recommended for consideration of our other members when painting their courts in the fall.”

*Later revised to 100-180 pounds

Source: Fessenden S. Blanchard, Platform Paddle Tennis, 1959