Platform Tennis Magazine (PTM) makes its debut

Platform Tennis Magazine's First Edition
Platform Tennis Magazine's First Edition
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Issue #1 arrived in mailboxes in September.

Wayne Dollard, the editor and publisher of PTM recalled how he decided to pursue the endeavor and his vision for the magazine:

“Ten minutes prior to catching my flight for the’99 Nationals, my father-in-law and I were brainstorming over what he might do with his upcoming retirement. Out of nowhere he said, “Maybe we should create a paddle magazine.”Having no publishing experience and a 60-hour-perweekjob I replied, “good luck.” Over the next couple of days his idea grew on me. Why don’t we have a publication for ourselves? The clincher came in the Westchester airport before my flight home when, out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t believe what I saw on the news stand shelf: Yo-Yo World! How ridiculous! Surely, paddle is more popular than Yo-Yo-ing or whatever you call it, right? At that moment the reality of Platform Tennis Magazine began to kick in.

Over the next several weeks I developed the framework for this publication which would instruct all levels of play, assist those who have a financial investment in paddle, and ultimately provide a forum to attract new corporate advertising dollars to grow our sport. With these goals in mind and funding required, I set out to meet the APTA Board in Chicago.

The APTA understood the same thing that I did in that the only way to advance platform tennis is to involve the beginner and intermediate players more in APTA affairs. Upon completion of my Yo-Yo World story and several hours of other filler, the APTA agreed to fund a significant portion of this publication. As a result, all APTA members will receive Platform Tennis Magazine (PTM) five times per year
at no additional impact on their current dues.

Each issue of PTM will contain several instructional articles, a feature story, an ‘ask the pro’ page, all APTA sanctioned tournament results, and a ‘participating league’ section available to those entities which enroll their entire league into the APTA. Consequently, the APTA is offering this publication and full membership for only $17.50 to each participant of those leagues which enlist. The magazine alone sells separately for as much! Feel free to contact me if your league has an interest in pursuing this offer for the 1999-2000 season.

Finally, I would like to request the assistance of anyone influential in acquiring sponsors for our magazine and/or the 120-tournament APTA circuit. I am currently working on deals with several corporations to provide funds to promote free clinics
for all levels at each tournament site. Furthermore, we hope to offer pro certifications and reduce entry fees as well. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on how we might enhance our sport. We have much to be excited about!”

Source: From The Editor, Platform Tennis Magazine, Issue #1, September, 1999