Platform Tennis News and PTN UPDATE pass into history

Platform Tennis News bids farewell. Platform Tennis Magazine would begin publication in the fall
Platform Tennis News bids farewell. Platform Tennis Magazine would begin publication in the fall
PTN Summer 1999: PTN bids adieu.

At the APTA Board meeting in Glenview, IL, in May, Wayne Dollard of Dollard Publishing Co. proposed a professionally-produced four-color magazine format publication that would have content and scope beyond APTA capabilities with their newsletters.

The new publication was seen as a significant enhancement in member value. The summer editions of Platform Tennis News and PTN Update would be the last ones and Platform Tennis Magazine would debut in the fall.

APTA President John Horine explained the decision process:

It is with heavy heart and reserved excitement that we say “good-bye” to the Platform Tennis News and “PTN Update” and say hello to Platform Tennis Magazine. This is an exciting time for platform tennis players everywhere.

Matt Wood of Chicago wrote in the winter issue of the PTN ” … I think a small section of the Platform Tennis News should be devoted to something on tips, strategy, or just how to better play the game … “ I could not agree more.

Ever since I became a member of the APTA Board in 1994, and since becoming President in 1997, I have been trying to find ways to enhance the PTN and offer more articles to the non-tournament players who make up a large percentage of our members. However, as Chuck Vasoll, co-editor of the PTN explained, getting someone to write the articles has been the problem.

Early in May, I got a call from Wayne Dollard, a player from Pittsburgh, PA, who had an idea for a platform tennis publication ” in magazine format. I met with Wayne in Washington, DC, on a Saturday afternoon, accompanied by a good friend, Taylor Bowen, who works for a publishing company in Charlottesville, VA.

Wayne gave his presentation for the Platform Tennis Magazine. I gave him the background on the PTN and the problems he would face, and Taylor prodded with detailed questions about the printing and publishing.

After excusing Wayne, Taylor turned to me and said, “I can’t wait to get this thing. This guy really knows what he is talking about.” With those comments I decided that was enough to invite Wayne to Chicago to make his pitch before the entire Board two weeks later.

After lots of questions and discussion, the Board overwhelmingly voted to accept, in principle, the proposal by Wayne Dollard. Pete Mathews, Board member and Region III President, was nominated to negotiate the details with Wayne.

So, ironically, an APTA member from Chicago writes this spring about improving the PTN and, in Chicago, the APTA Board votes to adopt the most significant member benefit since the website.

Of course, we cannot close the last issue of the PTN without thanking those involved in bringing it to us.

Chuck Vasoll and Brian Zevnik have been the heart and soul of the PTN since I can remember (and probably longer than they care to remember). Each issue required many, many phone calls, several deadlines, countless hours collecting and editing articles and layout. Truly a labor of love. On behalf of the APTA Board and all the APTA members, I would like to thank Brian and Chuck for such a wonderful job.

Wayne Dollard provided his view of future with Platform Tennis Magazine:

Two months ago, the APTA held its annual board meeting in Chicago and discussed ways to promote paddle. I was invited to present my proposal for Platform Tennis Magazine, which promises to be the most informative and professional full-color paddle publication in our sport’s 71-year history. As a result of our meeting, the current APTA newsletter, the PTN, has been discontinued and its funding now makes up a significant portion of PTM’s five-issue publication budget. Our #1priority at Platform Tennis Magazine is to provide our readers with instructional content that begins at the grassroots level and works its way upwards. Each issue will contain 8-10 pages of instructional content from 10 instructors who are current/former national champions or finalists.

Source: Platform Tennis News, Spring & Summer 1999