Thornton “Gub” Gerrish (1913-1984)

Marilyn and Gub Gerrish at Fox Meadow Tennis Club in Scarsdale, NY
Marilyn and Gub Gerrish at Fox Meadow Tennis Club in Scarsdale, NY
Gerrish took this picture of the Hindenburg flying over Princeton University on May 6, 1937, from his dorm room in Pyne Hall. The Hindenburg was on its way to the Lakehurst Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, NJ, where it caught fire and was destroyed. Gerrish took this picture of the Hindenburg flying over Princeton University on May 6, 1937, from his dorm room in Pyne Hall. The Hindenburg was on its way to the Lakehurst Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, NJ, where it caught fire and was destroyed.

Gub Gerrish had served on the APTA Board in the mid-70s and had been the group’s official photographer for many years. A man of tremendous energy, enthusiasm and personal magnetism, Gub was an avid spectator, distinguished photographer and reporter at hundreds of paddle events.

He was a true gentleman who epitomized the spirit of paddle–competition, sportsmanship and camaraderie. A permanent trophy in honor of Gub has become part of the annual Rye tournament, with the trophy being presented to the winners of the senior event.

Source: Platform Tennis News, February 1984