Winnie Hatch Memorial Golf Outing at Hartford Golf Club
Courtia Worth put together a paddle morning, mid-day lunch and shotgun golf tournament on Monday, October 4th at the Hartford Golf Club in Hartford Golf Club in Hartford, CT. Among the many reasons to attend were the opportunities for raffle trips, an open bar and delightful dinner and finally an opportunity to celebrate the life of Hall-of-Famer, Winnie Hatch.
Players from five states assembled at the five paddle courts for three hours of casual play as many of Winnie’s former partners and friends kicked off the 2010-2011 season. Sprinkled amongst the twenty plus players were former champions; Sig Buckmeyer, George Lynch, Jack Westerfield, Bob Brown, Bill Childs, Ted and Nanny Hoehn, Sharon and Herb Hummers and Rich Lombard.
Several of the Hartford seniors mixed in with the outing players including one 70+ player who strapped on his oxygen tank and proceeded to race around the court to the amazement of all players and spectators.
The golf tournament drew nine foursomes (three dropped out due to threatening weather which the paddle gods short circuited) and all who played raved about a first rate course. For $20 you could buy as many mulligan as you felt necessary, resulting in six teams tying for third with 63s. Two golfing foursomes, traveling by ferry from Bridgehampton, showed how the game should be played, sans mulligan and walked off with the prizes as did Nanny Hoehn who won longest drive and closest to the pin. [enlarge image to read more]