APTA addresses foot-faults

The APTA gets serious about foot-faults The APTA gets serious about foot-faults

In order to discourage foot-faults, the partner of the receiver was now empowered to call them against the server. This experimental rule was based on a Jack Stahr “Decisions” column from the July 1973 issue of World Tennis. The intent of the APTA was to evaluate the rule over the coming season to see if it should be confirmed or discarded.

The appropriate section of this ruling was as follows:

Question: “…who is entitled to call foot-faults?”

Ruling: ” …..simply call a few of those services ‘faults’ under a broad interpretation of the official Explanation under Rule 8, which says that ‘it is customary for the Receiver to determine whether the service is good or a fault.’ (If it is illegally delivered, it is a fault.) This might not be the most sociable thing to do, but consider the unsociable effect that legal servers experience upon seeing their opponents take unfair advantage of them. ”