APTA moves to hire an Executive Director

The thriving growth of the game resulted in a rapidly rising management load for APTA officers. The scope of activity and responsibility of some of the key functions, such as Tournaments, Treasurers, Secretarial, Equipment, Public Relations and the President, had increased to the point, in some cases, of exceeding the limits of “volunteer” or “spare time” effort.

President Robert A Brown summarized the decision in the Mid-Summer issue of Off The Wire: “The Board has therefore decided that the APTA will hire an Executive Director. Provision will be made in the 1974-75 operating budget for a salary for the Executive Director and secretarial and other expenses in connection with the job. In our budgetary planning, a number of income-generating steps are being considered, including the tournament sponsorship item discussed below.

The duties and responsibilities of the Executive Director have been defined in a detailed job description. In brief, this person will take on major management responsibilities, including certain portions of several officers’ jobs, and will handle all telephone and letter inquiries other than those that require the special attention of an officer. At the beginning it is expected that this job will be part-time, but is likely to grow with time. If any member is interested in discussing the position, or if you would like to suggest a candidate you consider suitable, you are welcome to contact Secretary Mike North or me. A knowledge of, and active participation in, platform tennis is desirable; management capabilities are essential.

Source: Off The Wire, Mid-Summer 1974