Gloria Dillenbeck named first Executive Secretary

Ethel Kennedy (center) presents the trophy at the 1971 Women's Nationals in Chevy Chase, Maryland, to (from left) B. J. Debree, Gloria Dillenbeck, Peggy Stanton, and Charlotte Lee.
Ethel Kennedy (center) presents the trophy at the 1971 Women's Nationals in Chevy Chase, Maryland, to (from left) B. J. Debree, Gloria Dillenbeck, Peggy Stanton, and Charlotte Lee.

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The APTA named Gloria Dillenbeck as the first full-time Executive Secretary. Raised in Montclair, NJ, Dillenbeck began playing platform tennis in 1966 and had been a star varsity tennis player at Swarthmore College.

With her partner, B.J. Debree, they were the first team to challenge the dynasty of Charlotte Lee and Peggy Stanton (National Champions 1967-1970) and won the Nationals in three successive years—1971, 1972, and 1973.

Gloria Dillenbeck Dodd was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2007.

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